What is a Causation Study?

    A causation study is a way to determine why the water quality of a lake may be vulnerable based on key indicators (such as a confirmed blue-green algae bloom). Determining which causes are affecting water quality is essential for protecting Muskoka’s lakes.  

    Why is the District of Muskoka undertaking Causation Studies now?

    The District of Muskoka’s Official Plan Amendment 47 (OPA 47) was approved by the Province on June 28, 2019 and updated the District’s Lake System Health policies. A key component of these new policies involves the initiation of causation studies by the District for lakes considered to be vulnerable from a recreational water quality perspective.

    What other lakes in Muskoka are scheduled for Causation Studies?

    The Causation Study Pilot Project on Peninsula Lake has been completed, and causation studies are currently being undertaken for five more vulnerable lakes, specifically Stewart Lake, Leonard Lake, Three Mile Lake, Bass Lake, and Echo Lake.